

ScotlandIS, the trade body and cluster management organisation for Scotland’s digital sector, has announced the launch of the IT Managed Service Provider (ITMSP) Cluster and Best Practice Charter.

These initiatives represent a significant step forward in strengthening Scotland’s ITMSP industry and setting new standards for excellence. 

在当今快速发展的数字环境中, where technology is integral to business success, 坚持最佳实践是最重要的. ScotlandIS recognises the importance of fostering collaboration within the tech community to harness its full potential. 

随着对it服务提供商的需求不断增长, with more organisations outsourcing their IT services, 博天堂入口发展了ITMSP集群. This cluster creates a dedicated hub for the industry, 培养知识共享, quality standardisation and enriched partnership working among ScotlandIS’ extensive network of over 200 IT Managed Services Providers. 

Karen Meechan, Chief Executive at ScotlandIS, said: “在今天的数字环境中, where digitalisation is imperative and the risk of cyber threats is high, 有效的IT管理起着关键作用. 无缝操作, success and strength of a business hinges upon the robustness of its IT infrastructure. This new cluster supported by the Scottish Government’s Cyber Resillience Unit, is hugely important in ensuring that Scotland is cyber resilient and allows companies to share a wealth of expertise in one place.” 

补充ITMSP集群, 博天堂入口大学已经启动了最佳实践宪章, designed to standardise service quality and clarify the roles of clients and ITMSPs. This charter aims to reduce the potential for gaps in a business’s IT robustness, 最终增强其网络态势. 

Launched today at ScotlandIS’ annual ScotSoft conference, the Best Practice Charter establishes clear standards that customers can expect from IT Managed Service providers across Scotland. It aims to empower businesses with the knowledge and tools needed to deliver exceptional services, 保持高水平的网络安全, 建立客户信任. 另外, 《博天堂官方入口》是卓越的标志, signifying a steadfast commitment to best practices that elevates business reputation within the industry and with clients.  

最重要的是, 宪章, which was spearheaded by ScotlandIS Head of Cyber, 贝弗利·鲍尔斯, 是由社区创造的吗, 为社区服务. 这项倡议已经酝酿了18个月, and brought together individuals from across the spectrum of IT Managed Service Providers from the length and breadth of Scotland.  It was important to ScotlandIS to ensure that 宪章 truly reflected the wants and needs of the ITMSPs who will adhere to it. 

Karen Meechan补充道: “The Charter has been established to help protect both parties. It will enable businesses to define the boundaries of their digital protections while allowing IT service providers to clearly communicate and agree on their scope.” 

Leading figures within the industry express confidence in these initiatives’ potential to promote good working practices for ITMSPs and provide customers with clarity on outsourced services. 

David Massey, Managing Director of The Apprentice Store, commented: “The charter has been supported in its development by Scottish MSPs so I am confident that it will be able to foster good working practices for MSPs and give customers confidence and clarity on the services that they outsource. The Apprentice Store supported the development of the charter to ensure that the commitments were suitable for large and small MSPs whilst meeting the wider goal of improving the security of Scotland. I personally look forward to seeing the charter develop further and be embraced by ITMSPs as a force for good in the sector.”  

Amanda Stewart, Managing Director of Illuminate Technology, added: “This is an exciting step forward for Scotland’s ITMSP industry, to be ahead of the curve of the rest of the UK towards regulation.  
“Signing up to this charter is the best proof to those looking to hire ITMSP’s that they are partnering with organisations that take their shared responsibilities seriously.”  

For any IT Managed Service Providers that are interested in learning more, 我们鼓励他们与Nicola Taylor联系 尼古拉.taylor@psychomotricite-la-seyne.com,或浏览 ScotlandIS网站
